Freshwater Fish
Welcome to How To Catch Any Fish, a website dedicated to the great sport of fishing. Whether you are new to the sport or have been fishing your whole life, my goal is to help fishermen everywhere achieve their dream catches by providing specific, concise, useful information on how to catch as many specific species as I can. Whether your goal is a 2lb bluegill or a 500lb marlin or something in between, you should find helpful advice here on this site. I am definitely not a leading authority for any specific species of fish, but I have caught over 200 different species of fish in different parts of the world and in doing so have picked up a lot of random useful knowledge that I wanted to share.
Saltwater Fish
I created this site in order to share what has worked for me on some of the different species I have caught, encourage people to share their own knowledge, and point people to some useful resources that I have found valuable.
All photos on this site were either taken by me or are of me unless otherwise noted, so please do not use them without permission. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to contact me through the Contact page above. |
This site is completely independent and ad free!
That is very rare in the world of fishing. I'm not paid by any tackle companies, fishing lodges, or anyone else. As such, I'm able to give my honest opinions, reviews, and advice. I believe this is the largest completely independent fishing site that exists. Rather than focus on just one kind of fishing, this site encompasses lure fishing, fly fishing, and bait fishing in both saltwater and freshwater since I enjoy all of it.
That is very rare in the world of fishing. I'm not paid by any tackle companies, fishing lodges, or anyone else. As such, I'm able to give my honest opinions, reviews, and advice. I believe this is the largest completely independent fishing site that exists. Rather than focus on just one kind of fishing, this site encompasses lure fishing, fly fishing, and bait fishing in both saltwater and freshwater since I enjoy all of it.
Now Available in hardcover and Ebook! The best stories and photos from a lifetime of fishing travel:
Click here to contact me to order a beautiful, full-color 8"x10" hardcover version for $39.99: Contact
Click below to buy the vibrant eBook on Amazon for $9.99:
Click below to buy the vibrant eBook on Apple for $9.99:
Click below to buy the vibrant eBook on Amazon for $9.99:
Click below to buy the vibrant eBook on Apple for $9.99:
Scroll down for Freshwater and Saltwater Species Guides!
Click on any fish below to go to the Species Page:
Click on a sample pic below to go to the page for that species or click on one of the names above.
If you have some good info on how to catch any of the species not yet added to this site, or have some additional tips for fish already on this site, please e-mail me. Eventually I would like to see every species of gamefish covered. Check back frequently as more species will be added as I catch them and more tips and information will be added as I receive it. If you have a fishing tip or photo or story to share please feel free to e-mail me and I can post it on this site.