Dogtooth Tuna
Gymnosarda unicolor
Other Species
Dogtooth Tuna Description
Dogtooth Tuna are a fantastic gamefish found in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean. They have a wicked set of teeth and frequently bite through thick leaders. They generally live near reefs, unlike other tunas. They feed primarily on smaller fish such as Rainbow Runners, Bonitos, and even smaller Dogtooths.
Dogtooth Tuna attain weights of over 200lbs although fish of that size require a lot of luck to land. They are one of this planet’s great gamefish. They do not form large schools like other tuna and are therefore harder to target. The large ones are difficult to land due to their penchant for running into rocks and reefing anglers.
Dogtooth Tuna Pound for Pound Fight Rating - 9.5 out of 10 on the Saltwater Scale
Dogtooth Tuna are one of the toughest adversaries on rod and reel. Like all tuna they are extremely strong, but unlike most tuna they live nearer to reefs and underwater pinnacles and the big ones are very adept at breaking you off in the rocks. You need a little bit of luck to land the big ones, because their initial run generally can't be stopped and if they head to nearby rocks you are probably toast. If they head to open water you have a chance, but you still have to worry about getting sharked. Landing a big Dogtooth is a real angling accomplishment.
Dogtooth Tuna Culinary Rating - Medium
The couple of times I have eaten them they tasted good. They are sometimes carriers of ciguatera toxin, so you have to be careful especially with the larger ones.
Dogtooth Tuna Tackle
Dogtooth Tuna are generally caught either trolling (usually with live bait) or jigging. For trolling for large ones a 50 W type trolling outfit with 100lb braided line is not overkill at all. For jigging, there are a number of specialized jigging rods from Japan that are light but can handle big fish. These rods are not cheap. Make sure you use a wire leader. Click here for tackle recommendations.
Dogtooth Tuna Techniques
Dogtooth Tuna can be caught with bait and lures. A big live bait or a trolled lure on a heavy conventional setup gives you the best chance to land a really big one. However, most people prefer to catch them by casting or jigging.
Dogtooth Tuna Lures
Dogtooth Tuna can because caught trolling Rapala type lures. Troll on the outside of the reef and in the channels between reefs.
Dogtooth occasionally take poppers on the surface. I hooked one on the Great Barrier Reef on a Heru Cubera 125 popper but it was eaten by a shark.
There are a number of jigs that people use for these, mostly from Japan. I haven’t fished them enough to recommend any but there is some good info on the sites below. Jigs probably catch more Dogtooth than any other artificials. The problem is that if you hook them deep it is easier for them to brick you in some rocks.
Dogtooth Tuna Baits
A variety of live baits caught near where the Dogtooths live should work. Rainbow Runners are hardy and a good bait, as are Bonitos and other small Tunas.
Where to get the big DogtoothTuna
The Coral Sea has some huge ones. Some big ones are also caught off the coast of Tanzania. They tend to be found in remote areas.
Other Dogtooth Tuna Resources
The above barely scratches the surface on how to catch Dogtooth Tuna. The resources below will provide a wealth of information:
Not cheap, but these guys will put you on the doggies:
Gymnosarda unicolor
Other Species
Dogtooth Tuna Description
Dogtooth Tuna are a fantastic gamefish found in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean. They have a wicked set of teeth and frequently bite through thick leaders. They generally live near reefs, unlike other tunas. They feed primarily on smaller fish such as Rainbow Runners, Bonitos, and even smaller Dogtooths.
Dogtooth Tuna attain weights of over 200lbs although fish of that size require a lot of luck to land. They are one of this planet’s great gamefish. They do not form large schools like other tuna and are therefore harder to target. The large ones are difficult to land due to their penchant for running into rocks and reefing anglers.
Dogtooth Tuna Pound for Pound Fight Rating - 9.5 out of 10 on the Saltwater Scale
Dogtooth Tuna are one of the toughest adversaries on rod and reel. Like all tuna they are extremely strong, but unlike most tuna they live nearer to reefs and underwater pinnacles and the big ones are very adept at breaking you off in the rocks. You need a little bit of luck to land the big ones, because their initial run generally can't be stopped and if they head to nearby rocks you are probably toast. If they head to open water you have a chance, but you still have to worry about getting sharked. Landing a big Dogtooth is a real angling accomplishment.
Dogtooth Tuna Culinary Rating - Medium
The couple of times I have eaten them they tasted good. They are sometimes carriers of ciguatera toxin, so you have to be careful especially with the larger ones.
Dogtooth Tuna Tackle
Dogtooth Tuna are generally caught either trolling (usually with live bait) or jigging. For trolling for large ones a 50 W type trolling outfit with 100lb braided line is not overkill at all. For jigging, there are a number of specialized jigging rods from Japan that are light but can handle big fish. These rods are not cheap. Make sure you use a wire leader. Click here for tackle recommendations.
Dogtooth Tuna Techniques
Dogtooth Tuna can be caught with bait and lures. A big live bait or a trolled lure on a heavy conventional setup gives you the best chance to land a really big one. However, most people prefer to catch them by casting or jigging.
Dogtooth Tuna Lures
Dogtooth Tuna can because caught trolling Rapala type lures. Troll on the outside of the reef and in the channels between reefs.
Dogtooth occasionally take poppers on the surface. I hooked one on the Great Barrier Reef on a Heru Cubera 125 popper but it was eaten by a shark.
There are a number of jigs that people use for these, mostly from Japan. I haven’t fished them enough to recommend any but there is some good info on the sites below. Jigs probably catch more Dogtooth than any other artificials. The problem is that if you hook them deep it is easier for them to brick you in some rocks.
Dogtooth Tuna Baits
A variety of live baits caught near where the Dogtooths live should work. Rainbow Runners are hardy and a good bait, as are Bonitos and other small Tunas.
Where to get the big DogtoothTuna
The Coral Sea has some huge ones. Some big ones are also caught off the coast of Tanzania. They tend to be found in remote areas.
Other Dogtooth Tuna Resources
The above barely scratches the surface on how to catch Dogtooth Tuna. The resources below will provide a wealth of information:
Not cheap, but these guys will put you on the doggies: